So here I am again with the internet all set up and running! Since you all are probably (I ALWAYS have to look up how to spell this word ..) are wondering how my cool new place looks I took some photos to show you!
So thats basically a panorama of my room, it is pretty spacious for Japan and I am really really happy with it. There is almost everything you need. I even have my own bathroom in my little „apartment“ which is separated trough a door from the rest of the room. It even has a bathtub, which I don’t even have back in Germany 🙂
You can get a fresh toothbrush, shampoo, soap and so on on the first floor for free … I wonder why I brought all the stuff …
You also get fresh towels every day, even if you don’t need them. Either they are replaced by the cleaning staff or if you hang the „Do not disturb“ sign outside they will leave it in a box at your front door. The kitchen in my room is kinda small but its enough for all the basics, a pan if I feel like cooking and a tea kettle which I use pretty frequently for making tea (who would have guessed) and heating up water for instant noodles. The problem is there is nothing else, no bowl to eat from, nothing. After searching for a pair of chopsticks to eat my noodles I found them right next to the shampoo and the soap on the first floor. I was already prepared to eat them with my fingers ;). You can also get a spork there, which is a spoon with a fork inside. The plastic container, the cup, and the chopsticks you can see on the picture were kindly donated by Yoshi from Backpackers Miyajima, again a BIG thanks for that!On the next picture you can see my door, and next to it the remote control for the air-condition, which is located right above my bed. The remote is chained to the wall, which is kinda stupid, because if you want to turn it on or off you need to walk to the door, which sucks in the morning, because its fucking freezing up here. Next to the remote are the light switches and next to them is the holder for my key card. If you don’t put your keycard, which you need for opening you room and the entrance door to the building, in it you can not do shit, nothing works without it.
On the other side it’s pretty handy to have it right next to the door, because if you forget it you are locked out when the door closes, they lock automatically!I also have a little shelf with a TV on it, which I did not use yet, but I will do so soon if I run out of movies to watch ;). I mainly use the shelf to store a lot of my stuff because there is not much in here where I could place it and I have waaaaaay to much! There also was the wooden box with two little tea cups inside so you can have the japanese feeling while drinking your tee (+ those are the only 2 containers you could drink out in this apartment). I still have to figure out what the big wooden box is for, but I guess for me its just for storing more stuff 😀
Last but not least is my kinda small table, where I have the rest of my stuff and my laptop, at the moment its kind of crowded, I still have to figure out how to manage the space better.
I hope you got a good idea of how I life when I am not at university (which will be not that much actually…)! I totally forgot to mention that my apartment is on the 4th floor, which is the top floor and I am the only one living in the whole building, which is kinda creepy. But I will save this for some later posts on how I actually moved in and my first day at University were I had to run LOTS of errands. By the way I’m kind of a japanese citizen at the moment and even have health insurance and a bank account! But this is a story for another time … またね !
Hey, dein Zimmer sieht fast noch geraeumiger aus als meine Wohnung in Heidelberg^^ Freut mich dass du es so gut getroffen hast. Bin gespannt auf deinen Bericht ueber das Uni-Leben. Kannst du dich eigentlich problemlos verstaendigen?
Naja es geht, japanisch kann ich halt nicht, aber englisch geht schon … soso, würden die Japaner sagen 😉
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