It’s time for News again! For all those of you who think „I don’t care about the news, I just wanna know what’s going on in Japan“ well I think about writing more often but maybe a little less text each time, but it’s kinda hard, because I am at university 6 days a week and there is not that much to write about … but I could break down the big text in some smaller but therefore more frequent texts. Let me know what you think !
I changed some stuff on the website again, most of you probably didn’t even notice, thats why I tell you :p. Fist of all, the Home button vanished, because, well … there is no need for it. If you think otherwise tell me. Second I wrote a small „About me“ section. Which consists mainly of links to my social network and photo community sites. If someone want’s to write something about me which I can publish, please do so, preferably in english, but I hate writing about myself, so its time for you to do so (if you want). Third I changed the captcha from solving „simple“ math problems to just typing the text, because some people were to lazy to calculate ;). Last but not least I changed the gallery for my Frankfurt pictures (if you haven’t seen it so far shame on you !!! and take a look now ;)). It now contains a slideshow and is linked to my flickr account, which is awesome, because it updates automatically. There will be more galleries about different types of photography in the future, but I first need to get enough pictures for that. Some are sitting on my hard drive back in Germany, but many need to be taken first 😉
There are still a lot of things to be done, I still need to change the color of the font, so its easier readable on smartphones, I already tried it once but it didn’t work, hell knows why.
I still need a logo, and I do have some ideas of how it should look like, but I still would be happy to get some help with putting that into practice! So please help me 😀
Another thing I would like to do is add a link page, which links to all the homepages of my friends! So of you want to be on my website let me know and send me the link and a banner (do you also say this in english?) if you have, don’t be shy! I will also feature websites which I think are great.
That’s enough blabla for now, so please let me know what you think about all of this!
1 comment
Du hast vergessen das wichtigste zu sagen: Domo ist jetzt Bestandteil der Website! 😀
Einen Text ueber dich zu schreiben ist verlockend^^ Ich glaube, ein paar von uns sollten uns bei einem Kasten Bier zusammensetzen und das Projekt in Angriff nehmen.
Leider habe ich keine Website, sodass du mich nicht featuren kannst. Die Sache mit dem oefter, aber weniger Text posten find ich gut. Damit haeltst du mich zwar oefter, aber nicht so lange von der Arbeit ab.
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