Home TravelAsienJapan Picture of the Day 100

Picture of the Day 100


I took this picture of a japanese newly wed couple during a hanami party at Hiroshima castle. The couple had their photographs taken, so I secretly also took some 😉 unfortunately I did not get the best angle.

I think this is it for the pictures of the day. 100 is a lot and I’m very glad I actually made it this far. I will continue to upload pictures but maybe not on a picture of a day basis, because it takes a lot of time and I’m not sure if I have that many at the moment. If you really want me to continue until my trip is over tell me and I might change my mind :p

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Ion April 5, 2013 - 15:32

Arigato Pita-san

Tim April 5, 2013 - 20:48

Auch hier nochmal: Weitermachen 😉

Marina April 5, 2013 - 21:55

Go 4 it, Peter! 🙂 Immer wieder schön zu sehen, was du so treibst da drüben! 🙂

kaethchen April 6, 2013 - 15:32

weiter so, wir freuen uns immer wieder über schöne Bilder!!!!!!!!!

Arti April 7, 2013 - 16:40

hahaha der Hochzeits-Crasher……..sehr gut und weiter so

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