Home TravelAsienJapan Picture of the Day 112

Picture of the Day 112


The Umeda Sky Building in Osaka, truly a colossal building, which has a „floating garden“ on top!

Btw about the Kobe beef, it was 120g for 6400 ¥, which is around 50 € at the moment. Money well spend!

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chris April 27, 2013 - 20:06

Yeah I spent $130 australian on kobe beef! It was like eating beef flavoured butter!!

Tim April 30, 2013 - 20:23

meine fresse… aber die gelegenheit ergibt sich ja nicht so oft^^ da kann man auch mal etwas tiefer in die tasche greifen

Peter Mai 1, 2013 - 13:09

@ Chris: yeah it’s just sooo awesome!
@ Tim: ich kanns dir nur empfehlen falls du mal zufällig in Kobe bist 😉

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