Wow its already the 20th Picture of the Day, guess I have been in Japan for almost 3 weeks now, kinda felt like one. Todays picture of the day is a phone box near the university. I took this shot in the morning on my way to the university to show you how cold it is at the moment. The stuff on the glass is not water, but ice. The pond near my house also started to get ice on top again. What kind of weather do you have wherever you live?
EDIT: Of course its already the 21th picture of the day! There was a small counting error I just realized, sorry 😉
Heidelberg: -3 Grad, Schnee. Die Frisur sitzt.
Ach Tim? bist Du´s??? maan ich denk alles wer klaut da immer den ersten Platz beim posten, auf Dich wäre ich nie gekommen loool
Peter: heul net! 🙂
Hahaha mensch albert, das haettest du ohne den Heidelberg-Hinweis nicht erraten? ;D
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