Home TravelAsienJapan Picture of the Day 55

Picture of the Day 55


Todays picture is a typically cut japanese tree. Wherever you go you will find trees cut in those shapes. I often wonder how they are able to do this and who is actually doing this, because I have never seen a person cutting trees, but I guess they must have a small army of tree cutters … maybe this is where all the ninja have disappeared to…

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Tim Februar 19, 2013 - 21:20

Gute Hypothese. Oder die Baeume sind aus Plastik.

Bine Februar 19, 2013 - 22:00

Voll schön. Wie ein riesen Bonsai. Kannst du einen mitbringen, wenn du wieder kommst ;o) Haben unseren Weihnachtsbaum nämlich entsorgt.

kaethchen Februar 20, 2013 - 03:09

Ich kenne jemanden, der die Bäume schneidet am Sonntag———Peter !!!!!

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